drill, dns tool, dig/drill, dnsutils to ldns dig -> dirll
drill, dns tool, dig/drill, dnsutils
to ldns
dig -> dirll
drill if you can, dig if you have to, nslookup
if you must
dig,其实是一个缩写,即Domain Information Groper。
dig @ www.baidu.com A //命令格式为dig @dnsserver name querytype
We are removing dnsutils from [core]. (It cannot be built independently from bind anymore, and the whole thing is becoming a mess anyhow.)
Please update your packages to depend on ldns instead (already in [core]).
While dnsutils provided three similar DNS query tools (dig, host, nslookup), ldns provides drill, a near-drop-in replacement for dig (which can therefore easily replace host and nslookup too). To update, you must replace all calls to dig/host/nslookup in your packages to calls to drill. Simple calls such as dig archlinux.org
can simply be rewritten as drill archlinux.org
; see drill -h
for more details and please contact me if you cannot figure out how to migrate.
Author -
LastMod 2016-07-12