English sentence
English sentence
correlation 相关性,主要强调两种或多种事物之间相互联动、相互影响的程度,如油价和汽车销售量的相关性等
relation 关系,不强调相互作用,只表明两种事物之间的血缘或物理关系,如外交关系,男女关系等
Bart Lorang may be the best boss ever.
The CEO of Denver-based internet start-up FullContact API said in a market that is competitive for top talent, he wants to keep his employees happy and refreshed.
美国丹佛的网络初创公司FullContact API的总裁巴特-洛朗表示,在各家争相雇佣顶级人才的竞争市场中,他想让自己的员工心情愉快,充满干劲。
The flip-flop wearing founder offers his employees $7,500 for what he calls “paid, paid vacation,” however there are rules.
“One, you actually have to take a vacation to get the money,” Lorang said. “Two, you have to disconnect from work, so that means no calls, no emails, no tweets, no work of any kind.”
洛朗说: “首先,你必须去度假才能拿到这笔钱。其次,你必须切断与工作的联系,这意味着不接电话,不回电邮,不发推特,不做任何形式的工作。”
Even Lorang admitted he has trouble following his rules.
“I suck at it,” he said.
他说: “我也没能遵守。”
A picture of the CEO and his fiancee Sarah at Egypt’s great pyramids captured Lorang checking his email.
Not surprisingly, employees said they loved having the company pick up the tabfor their vacations.
“It’s a real break for your brain,” said Robbie Jack, a FullContact API employee. “You come back refreshed and reinvigorated and more excited about the stuff you were working on when you left.”
该公司员工罗比-杰克说: “这才能真正让大脑放松。你回来工作时会精神抖擞,充满活力,对之前的工作更加振奋。”
If the idea of having a boss pick up the tab for a dream vacation is tantalizing, good news: Lorang is hiring.
如果老板掏钱让员工度假的主意非常诱人的话,那么还有个好消息: 洛朗在招聘。
“We’re probably going to hire about 12 folks in the next six months,” he said.
他说: “在未来半年内,我们大概要招聘12名员工。”
‘手机 英文’
手机的正确英文缩写是Cel.、MB、MOB、MP、Mobile或其它?查了下牛津英汉词典解释 更正如下: telephone 多指电话 (系统) mobile phone和cellphone都有手机;移动电话的意思mobile phone 是英国英语正式用语 不正式常用mobilecellphone是美国英语用法 也可称为 cellular phone 或 cell个人认为尽量不要使用缩写 显得正式 使用Mobile (phone) 或 Cell(phone) 如果实在要用就mob吧此外 手机还可以用handphone表示
作者: 野梦
链接: https://www.zhihu.com/question/31445948/answer/91042011
来源: 知乎
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LastMod 2013-04-04