google firstitemmsec

Get subscription list. Each subscription contains a “category” if the user had created folders. It also has a field called firstitemmsec that denotes in milliseconds the time from which entries for that feed should be picked up.

firstitemmsec initially stumped me until I added a new subscription. I noticed that Google Reader has entries for a feed spanning back to a month (probably -infinity). So the reader has to know to show you articles only from the time you subscribed to a feed.

ot is the parameter that takes firstitemmsec / 1000 when you are fetching the reading list or a particular feed.

{“subscriptions”:[{“id”:“feed/供稿地址”,“title”:“供稿名”,“categories”:[{“id”:“user/Google Reader用户ID/label/分类名”,“label”:“分类名”}],“sortid”:“不知道啥玩意”,“firstitemmsec”:“第一个条目的时间戳”,“htmlUrl”:“供稿的网站地址”},…(其他供稿的信息)]}

获取预定列表。如果用户已创建了文件夹,每个预定包含一个"category”。它还有一个域,称为firstitemmsec ,以毫秒为单位,说明feed条目应该被提取的时间.

firstitemmsec 起初难倒了我, 直到我添加了一个新的预定。我注意到,GOOGLE阅读器的feed条目可回溯一个月之长 (可能是无限期的) 。因此,阅读器只能从你订阅的时间上判断,向你显示文章。