nj4x java config
nj4x java config
nj4x requires jdk 1.7 !!!
download jfx- from http://www.nj4x.com/downloads
clear the config file folder under C:\Users\user0\jfx_term
terminal server找不到配置文件时会提示指定mt4.exe
open nj4x_home/bin/run_terminal_server.exe ( if errordownload and install vcredist_x86.ext )
select/config mt4_home path
run java code
—– end —–
copy nj4x-2.3.8/examples/experts/ into mt4 foolder C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\MQL4\Experts
If you are using Windows XP, you have to rename mt45if_xp.dll to mt45if.dll
open mt4 terminal.exe
click menu view>strategy tester
select jfx.ex4 for export advisor, open export properties
Author -
LastMod 2015-05-31