如果只有ssh-agent那ssh-server还没有启动,需要/etc/init.d/ssh start,如果看到sshd那说明ssh-server已经启动了。
ssh-server配置文件位于/ etc/ssh/sshd_config,在这里可以定义SSH的服务端口,默认端口是22,你可以自己定义成其他端口号,如222。然后重启SSH服务:
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh resar
no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa
为什么会有这个错误 根据 OpenSSH Release Notes
Future deprecation notice
It is now possible[1] to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the SHA-1 algorithm for less than USD$50K.
In the SSH protocol, the “ssh-rsa” signature scheme uses the SHA-1 hash algorithm in conjunction with the RSA public key algorithm. OpenSSH will disable this signature scheme by default in the near future.
Note that the deactivation of “ssh-rsa” signatures does not necessarily require cessation of use for RSA keys. In the SSH protocol, keys may be capable of signing using multiple algorithms. In particular, “ssh-rsa” keys are capable of signing using “rsa-sha2-256” (RSA/SHA256), “rsa-sha2-512” (RSA/SHA512) and “ssh-rsa” (RSA/SHA1). Only the last of these is being turned off by default.
也就是说 8.8p1 版的 openssh 的 ssh 客户端默认禁用了 ssh-rsa 算法, 但是对方服务器只支持 ssh-rsa, 当你不能自己升级远程服务器的 openssh 版本或修改配置让它使用更安全的算法时, 在本地 ssh 针对这些旧的ssh server重新启用 ssh-rsa 也是一种权宜之法.
key type ssh-rsa not in PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms
Mar 29 12:58:48 roy-dev sshd[132418]: userauth_pubkey: key type ssh-rsa not in PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms [preauth]
It is now possible[1] to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the SHA-1 algorithm for less than USD$50K.
In the SSH protocol, the “ssh-rsa” signature scheme uses the SHA-1 hash algorithm in conjunction with the RSA public key algorithm. OpenSSH will disable this signature scheme by default in the near future.
Note that the deactivation of “ssh-rsa” signatures does not necessarily require cessation of use for RSA keys. In the SSH protocol, keys may be capable of signing using multiple algorithms. In particular, “ssh-rsa” keys are capable of signing using “rsa-sha2-256” (RSA/SHA256), “rsa-sha2-512” (RSA/SHA512) and “ssh-rsa” (RSA/SHA1). Only the last of these is being turned off by default.
也就是说 8.8p1 版的 openssh 的 ssh 客户端默认禁用了 ssh-rsa 算法, 但是对方服务器只支持 ssh-rsa, 当你不能自己升级远程服务器的 openssh 版本或修改配置让它使用更安全的算法时, 在本地 ssh 针对这些旧的ssh server重新启用 ssh-rsa 也是一种权宜之法.
OpenSSH 8.2发布 禁用ssh-rsa算法
另一方面关于 SHA-1 哈希算法,此前该算法被发现构造前缀碰撞攻击成本已降至低于 5 万美元(实际为 4.5 万美元),因此开发团队决定禁用 ssh-rsa 公钥签名算法。
有一些更好的算法可以替代,包括 RFC8332 RSA SHA-2 签名算法 rsa-sha2-256/512、ssh-ed25519 签名算法与 RFC5656 ECDSA 算法。 目前这些算法在 OpenSSH 中都已经支持。
winscp 使用 5.20.1 beta 以上的版本默认不使用 ssh-rsa 签名算法 .
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LastMod 2012-01-20